venerdì 12 maggio 2017


Confluence is where you create, organize and discuss work with your team. Get the low down on the latest and greatest changes in Confluence 6. Confluence is team collaboration software.

Written in Java and mainly used in corporate environments, it is developed and marketed by Atlassian. L'esposizione nasce da “Studiare il futuro già accaduto”, un ciclo di incontri sul sistema climatico del bacino del Po dal Novecento a oggi. Confluence tavolo disegnato da Xavier Lust designer di fama internazionale belga. Confluence Atlassian permette di gestire online e organizzare facilmente il lavoro aziendale, dai progetti all'archivio, in uno spazio di lavoro condiviso.

Confluence definition, a flowing together of two or more streams, rivers, or the like: the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. Confluence is where your team collaborates and shares knowledge — create, share and discuss your files, ideas, minutes, specs, mockups, diagrams, and . Define confluence: a place where two rivers or streams join to become one — confluence in a sentence. Confluence Cloud for mobile lets you stay connected to your team and keep work moving while you're on the go. Welcome to the Confluence at Cornell University. It combines powerful online authoring capabilities, deep Office integration . This is a containerized installation of Atlassian Confluence with Docker, and it's a match made in heaven for us all to enjoy.

The aim of this image is to keep the . Add diagrams to your Confluence to collaborate easier with your team using the Confluence Diagram add-on. Synonyms for confluence at Thesaurus. Thousands of companies around the world use Refined's Confluence Theme and Mobile Interface to improve the user experience of Atlassian Confluence.

Confluence is a donor-supported nonprofit that connects people to place through art and education. We work in collaboration with Northwest communities, tribes . ConfluenceFestival of India in Australia. From the Opera House in Sydney to Federation Square in Melbourne, from QPAC in Brisbane to the Festival Centre in .

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