martedì 19 maggio 2015

Postgresql client

Admin is the leading graphical Open Source management, development and administration tool for PostgreSQL. Not all of these commands are of general utility; some might require . Admin III is bundled with the Windows installer, and you can use that such a client to administer a remote server on another OS.

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our QA format. We expect to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, . There are many clients for PostgreSQL on the Mac. You can find many of them in the Community Guide to PostgreSQL GUI Tools in the .

Questo pacchetto contiene il client e i programmi di amministrazione per PostgreSQL: si tratta del client per terminale . There are numerous GUI (graphical user interface) client applications that you can use to manage PostgreSQL databases. PostgreSQL is an absurdly powerful database, but there's no reason why using it should require an advanced degree in relational theory. Datazenit It is a cross-platform GUI tool for PostgreSQL and MySQL. What is the best free GUI PostgreSQL client for Mac OS X?

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