martedì 17 marzo 2015

Debian download

Please do not download CD or DVD images with your web browser the way you download other files! The reason is that if your download aborts, most browsers . Se il download si interrompe, la maggior .

Debian è distribuita liberamente attraverso Internet. La si può scaricare interamente attraverso uno dei mirror. Il manuale di installazione contiene informazioni . Debian è un sistema operativo e una distribuzione di Software Libero.

The jigdo scheme allows you to pick the fastest out of 3Debian mirrors worldwide for your download. BitTorrent is a peer to peer download system optimised for large numbers of downloaders. It puts minimal load on our servers because BitTorrent clients upload . Only a limited number of images from the CD and DVD sets is available as ISO files for direct download. Most users do not need all of the . How can I verify my download is correct and exactly what has been created by Debian?

There are files here (SHA1SUMS, SHA256SUMS, etc.) which contain . The following live install images are available for download:.

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