venerdì 25 settembre 2020


Blast off for an epic adventure of galactic proportions! Choose a side and fight for control of Nexus and uncover the secrets of the hyper-advanced Eldan. Critically acclaimed and now Free to Play, WildStar is a fantastical sci-fi MMO where you can join your friends or undertake your own epic adventures on the .

Se avete letto i nostri speciali, le anteprime e le notizie che abbiamo pubblicato su WildStar, saprete sicuramente che abbiamo sempre seguito . WildStar is a Free to Play sci-fi Fantasy MMORPG with a stylized cartoon-ish look from NCSoft's Southern California-based Carbine Studios. Wildstar is a Free To Play MMORPG that's recently been released on steam, After Its initial launch in 20the. Report rule violations so mods can handle them!

Please Do Post: WildStar related content questions! Check out the FAQ and daily questions thread first! Il sito vive grazie ai banner e alle pubblicità.

Primal Matrix with a free level character for everyone that logs into WildStar!

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