Calculate Mean Time Between Failures and Mean Time To Repair. Il tempo medio fra i guasti (in inglese mean time between failures, spesso abbreviato in MTBF), è un parametro di affidabilità applicabile a dispositivi meccanici, . Simple calculator to calculate field MTBF at various confidence levels. MTBF of years can still exhibit wearout in two years. MTBF is usually applied to a group of similar equipment, for example all the pumps in a refinery.

You will see that the MTBF value you get from a MTBF calculation changes depending on what you consider a 'failure', what you consider is equipment . Percept can calculate MTBF prediction of a product with our reliability test engineering services. MTBF calculations find the most effective components a product . Short example of how to calculate MTBF from test or field data and what it may mean. ReliaSoft's RGA software package can be used to calculate MTBF for a repairable system when the repair durations are ignored.
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